How Is Truck Insurance Different from Car Insurance?

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Driving any vehicle involves a certain level of risk, which is why drivers are required to carry auto insurance in almost every state. However, different types of vehicles carry different levels of risk, which is why they require specific policies.

How Is Truck Insurance Different from Car Insurance?

Our team at Morco Insurance Agency is here to help with your insurance questions, and we would like to share the differences between car and truck insurance.

  • Safety Ratings – When calculating the costs of any car or truck insurance policy, the insurer will look at the vehicle model’s ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. These institutions track statistics about vehicle crashes, which provide an overall indication of a vehicle’s safety. How safe a car or truck is will affect its insurance premium.
  • Use of Vehicle – Another factor that sets cars apart from trucks, and which can therefore affect the costs of car and truck insurance as well, is how the different vehicles are used. For example, many people use their trucks to go off road or to haul heavy equipment, uses that are not typical of cars.
  • Personal vs. Commercial Use – A third factor that affects car vs. truck insurance is whether the vehicle is used for personal or commercial purposes. Many of the truck owners who haul heavy materials and equipment do so as part of their business operations, which means damage to the truck can affect their business operations, therefore altering the risk calculations for insurance purposes. This factor applies to cars less often, since most cars are used primarily for personal transportation.